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At about 5am, a trifling sound of clicking somewhere in my room or the next neighbour’s bedroom separated mine by a thin wall- we can hear each other’s slight movement during the night- either remotely connected or being turned on by the next door neighbour (the owners are a old couple, but some people outside the family live there quietly from time to time, not want to be seen), the air of my room started to change. There were little sounds of fission in the air, so trifling it was hardly noticeable; slowly, I could feel my blood vessels on my legs starting to slightly swell, my heartbeat starting to accelerate and becoming heavier, as if beating the drums


For a purpose of research for my manuscript, I took a trip to Hyde Park, after taking some photos and strolled into Royal Albert House.


Knowing it’s the annual Prom season, and knowing the tickets are very in demand, I randomly asked what’s the performance for the evening, and being told it would be a night of music for Beethoven, and the staff said something surprised me: “There is a 2nd boxes tier ticket available, the best I had.” 


“Real!” My day trip was for writing in the park, nothing else, but the unexpected information grabbed my attention. Thought that I could do a few hours writing in the park and come back for the unplanned evening, considering that myself lucky, I bought the ticket with a huge gusto off and cuff, and left.


I haven’t written anything for my website for more than four months since my last post. It’s partly because I tend to be laid-back unless there is a deadline to meet. Besides, as writing is not something I do for a living, I have other unavoidable commitments for my immediate attention. 


Being a landlady, I certainly have fundamental commitment for what it provides me with the essential and desirable quality of life, and it comes with responsibility for the tenants and houses which demand my time and attention whenever a problem occurs, here, there, be it a building work, change a roof, fix whatever is broking, all have to be promptly sorted. 


Apart from that, I have been writing my new manuscript, which is not only unfinished with the first drift, the most important stage to sketch an outline of the story on my computer before developing it further, in terms of details and literary appeal, editing them in the second drift, but also it is untitled yet!


What To Write?


A story set in the background of a virtual world, perhaps one hundred years from now. Technology has not only taken over our lives but also the entire outlook of lives, and mindsets have been shaped by the perception feds by the technology; Natural and manmade calamities are rising and falling alternately; Politics are paralysed by the sharply divided public opinions, States are wondering who is more dangerous than who, another state or public perception? And a hero tries to set things to rights.


Happy New Year!


Another ring out of the old and call in the new, another transition from past to present, but there is something never out of fashion: fascination by innuendo. 


As usual, it depends on how pleasurable the type one usually is in jumping to conclusions and being cocksure &  impervious to criticism, being opinionated to unfold one’s assumption, and a lot can be inferred from one's limited imagination, regardless if they are totally unrelated or not, because it’s fun to be inspired with a twisted mind to set off an upsurge of storm and in the hope that everyone would trace the storm, or simply to fulfil one’s task as a way of making a living.

2022 年 10 月 18 日






2022 年 8 月 5 日












2022 年 8 月 5 日

自从我从 LA Times Festival of Books 活动回到伦敦已经快一周了,我的生物钟在调整混乱的时区转换中终于结束了。 


十天的旅行应该是与商务有关的假期。然而,事实证明,这是一个更令人愉快的短暂城市休息,而不是绝望地陷入冷漠作家的魔咒 - 新人或写作/出版机构等。尽管如此,在两百多个展位上陈列书籍的激动人心的场景……

2022 年 2 月 4 日

伦敦的 4 月 1 日是一个奇妙的日子——天气明智。 寒冷的空气夹杂着间歇性的雪,使温度降至接近零,与前几天舒适的 20 度截然不同。 而今天,和煦的春风拂过寒冷的空气,带来宜人的清新,牢牢地提醒着我,无论天气多么捉摸不定,终究是四月初,立春了。


等待我的书《青春之歌》出版日期明朗的一段挫败感,这本应该是在室内设计和封面设计最终批准协议后的一件迅速的事情。据说预计将在 2022 年 4 月 23 日至 24 日的洛杉矶时报节图书活动上准时出版,当时他们邀请我参加图书活动。 



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